Användarspecifika språkinställningar gör det möjligt att köra WordPress webbplats function deregister_cf7_styles() { if ( !is_page(100) ) { wp_deregister_style( 


I'd like to create a menu in WordPress and use the is_page conditional to navigate the user to a specific page depending on the page they are 

Wordpress is_page

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If you set a static page for the front page of your site, this function will return true when viewing that page. 2019-09-04 · A WordPress website contains a collection of pages. Therefore, it’s essential to understand how the is_page () conditional tag works in order to customize page content. is_page () inspects if a page is being opened.

is_page() is a conditional tag that checks for all pages. I expected is_blog() to exist however it’s not an existing WordPress conditional tag.. It would be useful to mention the necessary conditional logic under “Examples” on the main Widget Logic plugin page:

'page ' : '' ) . $odd_or_even . ' post\" id=\"post-'; the_ID(); ?>\ WordPress-plugins på livstur - för reseblogg och inte bara Av minus - du måste känna till alla typer av is_single (), is_page (), etc., men det finns analoga  Jag har gjort i AJAX utan att tänkt på Wordpress egna sätt att använda ajax och därför fungerar det inte helt perfekt. Jag ahr grottat ner mig i hur  facebook_pixel. / is_page_template; Change Log: 4.2.0; 4.7.0; Determines whether currently in a page template. This template tag allows you to determine if you are in a page template. You can optionally provide a template filename or array of template filenames and …

Wordpress is_page

$page — Optional. ( string)  There are built in conditional WordPress functions for testing for a page: if ( is_page(2) ) { // stuff } Or for testing if a page is a child of a certain. This is the technical support forum for WPML - the multilingual WordPress plugin. Everyone can read, but only WPML clients can post here. 10 Oct 2019 is_page() is a good example of this. The tag allows you to check whether the page that is being displayed is a page. is_page() will return a value  30 Mar 2020 Here's how I interpret these WordPress conditional tags.

Funktionsvillkoren är en extremt användbar och kraftfull funktion i WordPress; Det är 1.is_page () - Om du vill tillämpa ett visst villkor på en specifik sida, t.ex.
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Wordpress is_page

The same goes for the WordPress is_page() tag.

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Page template in subdirectory #Page template in subdirectory. If the page template is located in a subdirectory of the theme (since WP 3.4), prepend the folder name and a slash to the template filename, e.g.: 1. is_page_template ( 'templates/about.php' ); Top ↑.

She runs a web design agency in Birmingham, UK and has published three books on WordPress, including WordPress: Pushing the Limits, an advanced resource for WordPress developers.